Wanneer? Donderdag 10.10.202409:00 - 12:45


Waar? Avenue du Rock'n'Roll, L-4361 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE Trainingen/Conferenties

The cybersecurity event for research and education in Luxembourg

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

CyberDay.lu is an annual cybersecurity event for people operating in the research or education sector in Luxembourg organized by the Restena Foundation.

It provides useful information on existing actual threats in the world of cybersecurity thanks to speeches and feedbacks from professionals in the field acting on the Luxembourg soil.

Since 2024, CyberDay.lu has been one of the awareness-raising activities set up as part of the European LuCySe4RE project that has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe programme (DIGITAL).

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Donderdag 10.10.202409:00 - 12:45


Adres: Site Belval / Place des Hauts Fourneaux
Avenue du Rock'n'Roll
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