Wanneer? Zaterdag 31.05.202510:00 - 11:30

Einführung in den tibetischen Buddhismus

Waar? 5, av. Marie-Thérèse (CentreConvict: Entrée G, RDC), L-2132 LUXEMBOURG Trainingen/Conferenties

Lecture and discussion with Dr Gendun Yonten, scholar and envoy of the Dalai Lama

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

Dr Gendun Yonten is a practising Tibetan Buddhist with many commitments. He studied Buddhism, Sutra, Tantra, meditation and Tibetan culture. He taught Tibetology at the Humboldt University in Berlin and regularly took on teaching assignments for Buddhism, meditation and Tibetan culture at various adult education centres and in industry. He has worked intensively on the healing effects of physical exercises and Tibetan Buddhist medicine.  

In his lecture, he will present the essential elements of Tibetan Buddhism and also talk about the positive effects of meditation.

There will be enough time for questions to the speaker.

Brief biographical note:


Dr phil. Geshe Gendun Yonten, born as a Tibetan in exile/ Grew up in a refugee village near Dharamsala/North India/ Joined the Ganden Jangtse Norling Monastery in 1978/ Later studied at Ganden University/ Graduated in 1994 with the title of Lharampa Geshe (Dr.phil). Subsequently worked for the Tibetan government in exile/ 1996 founded the Buddhist Cultural Centre in Hanover/ Since 2002, in addition to research, has also supported aid projects for refugee children in India and Tibet/ Since 2013, confidant and emissary of the Dalai Lama/ Since 2013, has coordinated the ‘Dalai Lama Future 4 Children Foundation’.


Organisation: Centre de formation diocésain Jean XXIII / InterFaith Run-For-A-United-World A.S.B.L.

Co-operation: ErwuesseBildung / AGIR Action Groupe Inter-Religions A.S.B.L

Volgende termijnen
Zaterdag 31.05.202510:00 - 11:30
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Adres: ErwuesseBildung
5, av. Marie-Thérèse (CentreConvict: Entrée G, RDC)
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