Wanneer? Vrijdag 14.03.202518:00 - 19:35

Holy Electricity (LUXFILMFEST)

Waar? 16, Avenue de la Faiencerie, L-1510 Luxembourg Theater, film & voorstellingen

Compétition Officielle

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

..Tato KOTETISHVILI, 104 min, 2024 - Georgia, Netherlands
After the death of his father, the taciturn teenager Gonga begins to hang out with his older cousin Bart in a junkyard in the suburbs of Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. When they find a suitcase of rusty crosses, Bart decides to make illuminated crucifixes to sell door-to-door. The two companions traverse the city and encounter a host of colorful characters. If the film starts in a dump—a metaphor for the uncertain state of the two main characters—it then leads them to wander through the Georgian capital in search of repair. Their journey, marked by truculent attempts to sell useless crosses to people whose homes already overflow with objects, allows for a slow, sensitive mourning. A tender portrait of masculinity which is still all too rare.

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Adres: Ciné Utopia
16, Avenue de la Faiencerie
L-1510 Luxembourg
Op kaart tonen


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