Wanneer? Zaterdag 29.03.202514:00 - 17:00

Lumen-Impressionen – Bilder von der vergänglichen Schönheit der Blumen

Waar? 3, Park Dräi Eechelen, L-1499 Luxembourg Kunst, cultuur & literatuur

Lumen-Impressionen – Bilder von der vergänglichen Schönheit der Blumen

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

Workshop for young people 13+

In the framework of the exhibition: Lisa Oppenheim: Monsieur Steichen

Lumen prints with Séverine Peiffer


No prior experience required. No materials to bring.

Fee: 10€/session

1,50€ Kulturpass

Booking required:


t +352 453785-531



The Modules programme is an immersion into the world of contemporary art, offering young people the opportunity to work with artists. Through multiple sessions, participants explore new techniques, broaden their understanding of art, and develop their own artistic skills. For this module, we have invited Séverine Peiffer.

Lumen printing is an easy way to make an image with the sun. This camera-less photograph uses silver gelatin paper and daylight to create one of a kind portraits of plants and flowers. During this workshop participants will experience the magic of analogue photography combined with modern-day image manipulation technologies to generate digital colour variations of their Mudam-made Lumen prints.

Séverine Peiffer is a fine-art photographer based in Luxembourg. Séverine’s artistic approach is inspired by research (technical and aesthetic) on the pioneer photographers of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Séverine expresses herself through various printing processes such as wet collodion, photogram, chemigram as well as salted paper, albumen or cyanotype techniques. Her work, at times pictorialist, other times abstract and experimental, show the artist’s passion for unhurried, handmade photography and explore the fragility of the human condition as a main subject.

Volgende termijnen
Zaterdag 29.03.202514:00 - 17:00


Adres: Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
3, Park Dräi Eechelen
L-1499 Luxembourg
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