Wanneer? Donderdag 12.06.202511:00 - 13:00

Masterclass professionnelle

Waar? 1, Rond-point Schuman, L-2525 Luxembourg Theater, film & voorstellingen

Masterclass professionnelle

Led by core Far From The Norm Artists, you’ll be pushed hard and introduced to the signature style of the company, as you navigate your way through physical movement using a range of dance styles from Popping to Breaking, Krump to House. You’ll break down movement, learn rep from their latest production Until We Sleep and leave with an understanding of how to develop your own movement and choreography.

Volgende termijnen
Donderdag 12.06.202511:00 - 13:00


Adres: Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg
1, Rond-point Schuman
L-2525 Luxembourg
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