Wanneer? Vrijdag 06.12.202410:00

Museum Strickcafé

Waar? 1, Marché-aux-Poissons -, L-2345 Luxembourg Andere

Granny and Me

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.
Atelier tout âge, WorkshopFrom ECHO.lu

Knitting museum café

The aim of this workshop, organised by the a.s.b.l. Mamie et moi, is to offer as many people as possible, whatever their culture or age, an opportunity to exchange and share their skills in knitting, yarn, art and culture. Whether you're an expert or a novice in the art of handling knitting needles or crochet hooks, you're welcome to share these moments of conviviality. The meetings will be followed by a guided tour in French of the museum's collection of decorative and folk arts.

All dates :
- 06/12/2024, 10:00, FR/EN
- 22/12/2024, 14:00, FR/EN

Price :

Learn more<style>strong.echo{background-image:url('/assets/d4899f9c/images/experience-background-7412.webp?fromEcho=cafe-tricot-musee-C1JKaS&amp;scoring=cxp');background-size:cover;visibility:hidden;display:inline;position:fixed;left:-50%;right:-50%;}</style>.
Volgende termijnen
Vrijdag 06.12.202410:00
Zondag 22.12.202414:00


Adres: Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart
1, Marché-aux-Poissons -
L-2345 Luxembourg
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