Nuets am Musée
Balade contée nocturne
Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.
..Following the success of the first performances, the Lëtzebuerg City Museum and Erzielkonscht a.s.b.l. are joining forces to invite you once again to come and discover the site in an exceptional way. During this evening, storytellers Luisa Bevilacqua and Betsy Dentzer, in collaboration with hurdy-gurdy player Ela Baumann, will guide you through some very special sounds and lights. Stories, music and darkness alternate and merge to offer you an extraordinary experience.
This tour, which requires you to stand for long periods, may be difficult to access for people with reduced mobility.
© Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg, photo : Léa Cheymol