Wanneer? Maandag 17.03.202519:30 - 21:30

Tetzlaff Quartett

Waar? 1, Place de l’Europe, L-1499 Luxembourg Muziekfestivals

Tetzlaff Quartett

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.
The Tetzlaff Quartett’s programme comprises three works written in admiration of other composers. The very young Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy draws inspiration from Ludwig van Beethoven for his first quartet, while Jörg Widmann pays homage to Joseph Haydn and his monumental Seven Last Words of Christ,. and Johannes Brahms, as well, embraces the writing of his predecessors, adding a mastery of counterpoint reminiscent of Johann Sebastian Bach..

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Maandag 17.03.202519:30 - 21:30


Adres: Philharmonie Luxembourg
1, Place de l’Europe
L-1499 Luxembourg
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