Translating with AI
Translating with AI
Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.
.The workshop is aimed at people who, due to the multilingual context of Luxembourg, regularly translate texts (e.g. for brochures or social media). The aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to the possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligence in the field of translation, and to introduce them to tools and approaches that can make translation easier for them.
The workshop will be presented by professional translator Lara Schroeder and will be held in English. Participants can work with DE/LU/FR/EN for the translation as they wish. Participants are asked to bring their laptop, iPad or at least their smartphone.
Jeudi 06.02 à 18:00 (langue véhiculaire EN)
Jeudi 27.03 à 18:00 (langue véhiculaire LU).