Wanneer? Zaterdag 02.11.202410:30 - 11:30

Tuffi Atelier - Shane Hegarty

Waar? 2, Place d'Armes, L-1136 Luxembourg Kunst, cultuur & literatuur

Magic monsters and impossible ice creams

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

Let loose your imagination with the bestselling Irish

author Shane Hegarty. Reading from his fantastic

books 'Dexter Lost His Boo-Woo', 'Boot' and 'The Shop

of Impossible Ice Creams', this fun, interactive

workshop shows you where he finds his ideas before

it's the turn of the children to create their own crazy


The workshop with Shane will take place twice, so

when you're sending a reservation request please

specify if you would like to attend the morning or


afternoon session.

From ECHO.lu

Reservation mandatory.

Children 4-10 years old (with or without parents)

Volgende termijnen
Zaterdag 02.11.202410:30 - 11:30
Zaterdag 02.11.202414:30 - 15:30
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Adres: Cercle Cité
2, Place d'Armes
L-1136 Luxembourg
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