

One of the main tourist centres in the Grand-Duchy, located on a vast tableland overlooking the valleys of the Black Ernz, the Sure and the Aesbach. 300 acres of forest.

Grundhof, Bollendorf-Pont and Weilerbach are situated on the banks of the Sure, at the entrance of the Mullerthal region and the German-Luxembourgish Nature Park.

Route 2 of the Mullerthal Trail and many local circular hiking routes lead through silt marshes, past caves, grottos and crevices to superb viewpoints on ledges at dizzying heights. The most famous rock formations are: Perekop,Huel Lee, Däiwelsinsel, Priedegtstull, Ruetsbechschlëff, Malakofftuerm, Labyrinth, Siweschlëff,...

Opening hours

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Address: Berdorf
L-6550 Berdorf
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Places to see

© Sophie Margue
with theLuxembourgPass
Aquatower Berdorf
Dive into the fascinating world of drinking water in the Mullerthal Region.
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© Schmalen-Brouwer - Uli Fielitz
Haff Schmalen
Haff Schmalen
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© Pancake! Photographie
Geolandscape "Wanterbaach-Siweschlëff"
Explore the impressive rock labyrinth amid steep rocky gorges.
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Boutique Berdorfer Eck
Boutique Berdorfer Eck
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Rock formation "Raiberhiel"
Enter one of the narrowest caves in the region and climb out again via the stairs.
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Rock formation "Priedegtstull"
The impressive rock overhangs the road and offers an impressive view.
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Rock climbing Berdorf
Rock climbing Berdorf
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Amphitheater Breechkaul
Amphitheater where rocks had been hollowed out to gain millstones
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Rock formation "Huel Lee/Hohllay"
Fascinating cave created by the extraction of millstones.
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