When? Tuesday 08.10.202418:30 - 20:45

Anabela and Jorge Valente, Robert Weis

Where? 3, Genistre, L-1623 Art, Culture & Literature, Training/Conferences

Japan Travel Stories

Conference in the presence of the Ambassador of Japan to Luxembourg


Japan's enduring fascination as a travel destination has many facets: culture, nature, traditions, gastronomy and spirituality. Author-editors Anabela & Jorge Valente (co-founders of DiariesOf Magazine) and writer Robert Weis (author of “Retour à Kyoto” and “Yamabushi - La sagesse des montagnes”) take you on a journey through the land of the rising sun: Whether it's riding a motorcycle from the north of Honshu to the south of Kyushu or encountering ancient Buddhist wisdom on sacred mountains and pilgrimages, Japan has many alluring aspects to offer.

From ECHO.lu
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Tuesday 08.10.202418:30 - 20:45
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Address: Auditorium Cité
3, Genistre
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