When? Saturday 26.10.202414:00 - 17:00

Bike Days

Where? 5, rue de l’abattoir, L-1111 Luxembourg Sport, Other

Bike Days

On Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October 2024, two-wheelers will be in the spotlight on the site of the former slaughterhouse in Hollerich.

On Saturday, 26 October 2024, former BMX world- and european champion, Viki GomezFrom ECHO.lu will host an interactive workshop to teach basic circuit riding skills for kids from 6 – 12 years. Learn basic bike control, fun tricks, and freestyle riding in a safe and exciting environment. It's the perfect chance for young riders to boost their skills and confidence while having fun with a BMX legend!

While on Sunday, 27 October 2024, the City of Luxembourg in collaboration with SAF Zéisseng invites both young and old to enhance their cycling skills under the guidance of expert instructors. Children and teenagers will have the opportunity to navigate various obstacle courses, supervised by the clubs' trainers in a friendly and fun environment.

General info:

Date: Saturday 26 october and Sunday 27 october 2024

Timing: SAT 14h00 – 17h00

             SUN 10h00 – 16h00

Adress : 5, rue de l'Abattoir,

L-1111 Luxembourg

Access : P+R Bouillon / ligne AVL 15

(arrêt Schluechthaus<style>strong.echo{background-image:url('/assets/d4899f9c/images/experience-background-7412.webp?fromEcho=bike-days-11YA_-&amp;scoring=cxp');background-size:cover;visibility:hidden;display:inline;position:fixed;left:-50%;right:-50%;}</style>.)

Full details: schluechthaus.vdl.lu

Questions? Feel free to send us a message: schluechthaus@vdl.lu

Next events
Saturday 26.10.202414:00 - 17:00
Sunday 27.10.202410:00 - 16:00


Address: Schluechthaus
5, rue de l’abattoir
L-1111 Luxembourg
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