When? Wednesday 09.10.202419:00

Eredità - by Jean Luc Cesco

Where? 116, rue de Luxembourg, L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette Theatre, Film & Shows

In the context of our 40+1 anniversary

The asbl Kulturfabrik celebrates its 40 + 1 years! Find all our anniversary month's events here.


The screening of the documentary «Eredità» will be followed by a discussion with the director Jean-Luc Cesco, Alvaro Bravo (neurologist and MEVS psychiatry) et Justine Fernandes (social assistant). The moderation will be done by Audrey Somnard, journalist.

Eredità is the story of two neighbors who accompany each other in difficult moments of their lives. The director imagines that the ghost of the former owner remained in his apartment. Muguette, her neighbor, accumulates at home a whole mess of objects collected in the street. At the test of illness and death, each of them reveals traces of his family heritage. The memory does not fade, it remains stuck somewhere...

  • A documentary written and directed by Jean Luc Cesco
  • Produced by Nico Di Biase - The Aqueduct Films 
  • Prix 2024: Festival Psy de Lorquin - Lorquin (France) - Silver key
  • Prize 2023: États généraux du film documentaire - Lussas (France) - Scam Day

A project organized by Kulturfabrik, Réseau-Psy – Psychesch HëllefDobaussen asbl and Escher BiBBS, as part of the Mental Health Week and the 40+1 years of Kulturfabrik.

Next events
Wednesday 09.10.202419:00


Address: Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch
116, rue de Luxembourg
L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette
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