When? Sunday 22.09.202414:00 - 16:00

Knitting Café Museum

Where? 41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg Other, Art, Culture & Literature

Free meetings for everyone, around knitting, art, and culture

The non-profit organization Mamie et Moi invites you to a new season of knitting meetings at the Museum.

The goal is to offer as many people as possible, regardless of culture or age, an opportunity for exchange and sharing of skills around knitting, art, and culture.

These meetings allow friendships to form, opportunities to practice the local languages, and collective projects to come to life: this year, we will complete a giant knitted heart that will be offered to Luxembourg Cathedral for the 2025 Octave!

Whether you are an expert or a novice in the art of handling knitting needles or crochet, you are welcome to share these moments of conviviality.

Feel free to bring a cake to share if you like, it is always greatly appreciated!

From ECHO.lu

Free workshops open to all, subject to availability.


Note: This is not a knitting class. If you want to learn how to knit, Mamie et Moi offers private knitting lessons (info and reservation at info@mamieetmoi.com).

Next events
Sunday 22.09.202414:00 - 16:00
Friday 04.10.202410:00 - 12:00
Sunday 20.10.202414:00 - 16:00
Friday 08.11.202410:00 - 12:00
Sunday 24.11.202414:00 - 16:00
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Address: Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg
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