When? Wednesday 16.10.202418:00 - 20:00

Luxembourg LGBTIQ+ Panel

Where? . ., L-2525 LUXEMBOURG Other

Study on the situation, experiences and aspirations of LGBTIQ+ people in Luxembourg and the border region

Welcome to the Luxembourg LGBTIQ+ Panel!

Are you part of the LGBTIQ+ community? Would you like to think, discuss and share experiences and ideas on being queer in Luxembourg and the border region? Then take part in our focus groups, a series of collective interviews gathering 3 to 8 people from the queer community.

This focus group centers "Queer women in/from the LGBTIQ+ community" (EN) and will take place on the 16th of October 2024 at 6pm at Cid | Fraen an Gender

(14, rue Beck, L-1222 Ville-Haute Luxembourg, 2nd floor)

❓️What are your experiences as a queer woman in Luxembourg?

From ECHO.lu

❓️Do you feel that you belong and that you have a voice as a queer woman?

❓️What are your expectations towards politics, LGBTIQ+ and feminist organisations, and society in general?

Target group: LGBTIQ+ women

Registration via our form is mandatory: www.lgbtpanel.lu/registration-fg


This focus group is hosted by Cid | Fraen an Gender and Pink Ladies - Queer Women Luxembourg. Snacks and drinks will be offered to the participants.


More information on the project: www.lgbtpanel.lu

Discover LEQGF: www.leqgf.lu

Next events
Wednesday 16.10.202418:00 - 20:00
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Address: Luxembourg-Ville
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