When? Saturday 12.10.202417:00 - 23:45

Museum Night 2024

Where? 41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg Art, Culture & Literature

Museum Night 2024

Join us for the 23rd edition of the Museum Night on 12 October 2024. From 5 pm to 1 am, enjoy performances, music, workshops, special tours, and culinary surprises at seven museums across Luxembourg City. Free shuttles are available during the event to make getting around at night easier.

From ECHO.lu

Programme & information on www.nuit-des-musees.lu

Pre-sale from 16.09.2024 online at www.luxembourgticket.lu or in the participating museums.

The Museum Night 2024 has received the logo ‘Green Events’ for its commitment to the



Next events
Saturday 12.10.202417:00 - 23:45
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Address: Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg
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