When? Wednesday 27.11.202418:30 - 20:30

Wednesday Night Fever | Contact improvisation dance jam

Where? 3, Park Dräi Eechelen, L-1499 Luxembourg Art, Culture & Literature

Wednesday Night Fever | Contact improvisation dance jam

Within the framework of the exhibition: Xanti Schawinsky: Play, Life, Illusion — a Retrospective + Monster Chetwynd: Xanti Shenanigans

Free admission. Limited places.


Questioning the role of the museum as an institution, Mudam invites all its visitors to reclaim the museum in a fun, friendly and joyful way and to inhabit its spaces by taking part in our Wednesday Night Fever activities.

Take part in our Wednesday special programme once a month to engage your body, brain, and social skills in community and interactive practices that differ from your everyday museum experiences.

Mudam welcomes Muse for a contact improvisation dance jam.From ECHO.lu Participants will come together to engage in spontaneous movement, collaborate with those around them and immerse themselves in the joyous experience of collective improvisation surrounded by the artworks of multi-disciplinary artist Xanti Schawinsky.

Contact improvisation dance is a dynamic and spontaneous form of movement that originated in the United States in the 1970s. It emphasises collaboration, trust and non-verbal communication, making each dance an organic and deeply personal experience.

Muse is a dynamic not-for-profit that brings people together through the power of art and design. The organisation is dedicated to fostering creativity, cultural exchange and community integration. Its goal is to help individuals connect, learn from each other and celebrate diverse cultures. Muse offers a range of activities including art workshops, storytelling events, integration workshops, art exhibitions, educational programmes and collaborative art projects. By participating in these initiatives, members have the opportunity to develop their artistic skills, share their stories, integrate more deeply within their local community and engage in meaningful collaborations. Muse believes in the transformative power of creativity to build a more inclusive and interconnected society.

Next events
Wednesday 27.11.202418:30 - 20:30


Address: Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
3, Park Dräi Eechelen
L-1499 Luxembourg
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