When? Friday 22.11.202418:00

Zoom In: « La symbolique des couleurs »

Where? 18, Avenue Emile Reuter, L-2420 Luxembourg Other

Colour Kaleidoscope Of pigments, pallets and painters

Presentation and guided tourFrom ECHO.lu

The symbolism of colours in art is a rich and fascinating study that reveals a great deal about our perception and emotions. By immersing yourself in the works on display at the Villa Vauban and familiarising yourself with the theories developed by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in ‘Zur Farbenlehre’ (1810) and Wassily Kandinsky in ‘Du spirituel dans l'art’ (1911), you will discover how artists have used colours to communicate profound and universal messages.

In a presentation followed by a guided tour, art historian Nathalie Becker will show you some fascinating examples of colour symbolism.

Next events
Friday 22.11.202418:00


Address: Villa Vauban - Musée d'Art de la Ville de Luxembourg
18, Avenue Emile Reuter
L-2420 Luxembourg
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