
Where? Um Salzwaasser, L-6661 Born


Normally, rock strata lie invisible in the underground. In the Nature and Geopark Mëllerdall they can be seen on numerous rock faces. Nevertheless, the subterranean rocks are still invisible to the naked eye. The Salzmännchegaart behind the elementary school in Born shows what is normally hidden. The layers of sandstone and dolomite and the clayey marls below can be admired in a section several meters wide. It shows the region in miniature. Right next to it there is a geological barefoot path that invites you to experience geology with all your senses. Other didactic elements such as an open-air theater can be found there. Everything was built from the original material.

The Salzmännchegaart can be hiked via the Auto-Pédestre trail Born, the local hiking trail M1 starts on site.

Closest bus stop: Born, Op der Gare (500m)
Closest parking lot: on site

Opening hours

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Address: Salzmännchegaart
Um Salzwaasser
L-6661 Born
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