Éislek Pied Eric Hahn
Along the rushing stream
Starting in Troisvierges, you pass the Cinqfontaines monastery where a memorial commemorates deportations during the Second World War. Your route continues through the dreamy Trëtterbachtal valley to the Asselborn mill. You cross the village of Boxhorn and reach the remains of a plane that crashed during the Second World War. Along the river Woltz and with a beautiful view of the Cinqfontaines monastery, you return to Troisvierges.
The hiking trail is marked in both walking directions. Please follow the Éislek waymarks.
For your safety
Weather conditions such as wetness, ice and wind can make a tour difficult. The information given refers to optimal conditions.
Sturdy shoes and something to drink.
Public transport: Use the free public transport and travel climate-friendly by bus and train.
Nearest bus station is (150 m): "Bënzelterstrooss"
Parking: A parking place is located directly at the starting point.
Nearest bus station is (150 m): "Bënzelterstrooss"
Parking: A parking place is located directly at the starting point.