Grand Ducal Palace Luxembourg city
© Christian Millen
Luxembourg City Germany France

21.10.2024 - 28.02.2025 UNESCO World Heritage Challenge

Thick bastions and bulwarks, battlement gates, parapets on steep sandstone rocks, fearsome embrasures – the mighty structures of the former Luxembourg fortress, once praised and feared as the “Gibraltar of the North”, were so impressive that Goethe, while on a short visit to the city in 1792, was inspired to write the following words: “He who has not seen Luxembourg simply cannot picture these war structures, juxtaposed and superimposed as they are (...). ”The famous writer expressed his greatest awe of the city of Luxembourg, however, in the following comment:“There is so much greatness and grace here, so much gravity combined with gentleness, that one wishes Poussin had employed his wonderful talent in such an environment.”


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