When? Saturday 19.04.202515:00 - 16:00

Führung der Philharmonie in deutscher Sprache

Where? 1, Place de l’Europe, L-1499 Luxembourg Other

Führung der Philharmonie in deutscher Sprache

. The Philharmonie invites you to visits beyond the familiar paths. Explore the building’s architecture and questions of programming, and of course guided tours also take you through the Grand Auditorium, the Salle de Musique de Chambre, the Espace Découverte and the foyer. Participants also get an impression of the backstage area. Guided tours depend and are adapted to the current artistic activities in the building, but you may encounter musicians and technicians and catch a glimpse of a rehearsal. Discover places usually closed to the public and look behind the scenes of concert life. The languages of the guided tours are announced beforehand, but they may also be adapted to visitors’ needs at the beginning of the tour.



Come visit and discover the Philharmonie as you have never seen it before!

Next events
Saturday 19.04.202515:00 - 16:00


Address: Philharmonie Luxembourg
1, Place de l’Europe
L-1499 Luxembourg
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