When? Tuesday 08.04.202514:00

Luxembourg au Moyen Âge KIDS

Where? 14, rue Saint Esprit -, L-2090 Luxembourg Other

Luxembourg au Moyen Âge KIDS

Let us take some time to discover together this fascinating period in the history of the city of Luxembourg.
With the help of the models, documents and other archaeological objects in the permanent exhibition, let us go back in time to the 10th century and see how the medieval city will gradually be built from the castle called Lucilinburhuc.

We then leave the museum and visit the archaeological crypt, which houses the remains of the medieval enclosure built in the 12th century.

Public:. Families (children aged 5 and over)

© Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg, photo : Marion Dessard.

Next events
Tuesday 08.04.202514:00
Saturday 12.04.202514:00
Tuesday 15.04.202514:00


Address: Lëtzebuerg City Museum
14, rue Saint Esprit -
L-2090 Luxembourg
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