When? Thursday 16.10.202519:00 - 21:00

"The Master of Cubism"

Where? 14, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg Art, Culture & Literature

Exploring the fascinating world of Pablo Ruiz Picasso

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was one of the most influential painters of the XX Century. With his magnificent style, he redefined painting world-wide. The Master of Cubism opened new paths for art in an unprecedented way. What are the main elements of Picasso's painting? Why is cubism so special? What can we discover in Picasso's works that goes beyond the obvious? Come and join us for a delicious feast of painting analysis.

Philosopher, painter, and public speaker of the International Kunstverein Luxembourg, RIck Serrano will be covering these topics in his dynamic, fast-paced style. Come and participate.... you can win prizes during the event if you sharpen your mind....



Mandatory reservation via email to kunstverein.lux@gmail.com

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Thursday 16.10.202519:00 - 21:00
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Address: Bank de Luxembourg - Auditorium
14, Boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
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