Quand ? Samedi 29.03.202513:30

A Picture Within the Picture – Towards Abstraction

Où ? 18, Avenue Emile Reuter, L-2420 Luxembourg Autres

A Picture Within the Picture – Towards Abstraction

.Discover the art of Jean-Pierre Beckius in this interactive workshop led by artist Alan Johnston. Begin with a guided question-and-answer session in the exhibition, focusing on specific details from one or two selected works to explore Beckius’s techniques and artistic approach.
In the workshop, use Neocolor wax crayons to create your own interpretation of a chosen detail, experimenting with abstraction while immersing yourself in the essence of Beckius’s style.
All materials are provided, including a complimentary sketchbook.

The workshop will be conducted in English, with individual guidance available in French, Luxembourgish, or German as needed..

Notre dame, Paris, 1921
© Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg

Dates des prochains événements
Samedi 29.03.202513:30
Samedi 26.04.202513:30


Adresse: Villa Vauban - Musée d'Art de la Ville de Luxembourg
18, Avenue Emile Reuter
L-2420 Luxembourg
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