Quand ? Dimanche 08.09.202408:00 - 16:00

International Animal Rights Conference (IARC) 2024

Où ? 116, rue de Luxembourg, L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette Formations/conférences

International Animal Rights Conference (IARC) 2024

📣 Would you like to broaden your horizons on animal rights? Then don‘t miss out on one of Europe‘s best conferences on the subject, the International Animal Rights Conference (IARC) 2024 at the Kufa in Esch-sur-Alzette !🔥🙌

The VSL has again joined forces with the Animal Rights International e.V. for this event. ✅💪🏻 Drop by, listen to inspiring speakers, enjoy food & music, network, and be curious 👋Drop by, listen to inspiring speakers, enjoy food & music, network, and be curious 👋

Check out the full list of speakers here: ar-conference.org/speakers

The full program will be available soon.

When? September 5th to 8th, 2024, at the Kulturfabrik in Esch, Luxembourg.

What ? There will be presentations, workshops, music & entertainment, info stalls (and food of course 😋) about many different topics related to animal rights & ethics, veganism and the environment. 🌱

For whom? Anyone who cares about animals, the environment and would like to learn more about animal rights & ethics in academia, philosophy, politics, education & society.🐷🐥🐮

Registration? Get your tickets via:


Attention: ticket prices will increase as from July 31st, so grab you tickets asap!

Informations sur les prix
A partir de 15,00€
Réserver un billet
A partir de 15,00€


Adresse: Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch
116, rue de Luxembourg
L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette
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