Quand ? Mercredi 16.10.202421:00

Culture Reject

Où ? 3, Place des Rotondes, L-2448 Luxembourg Festivals de musique

Culture Reject

Concert gratuit - REZ-DE-CHAUSSÉE

Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français.

Canadian Culture Reject creates lo-fi, post-soul music inside broken pop songs. While drawing comparisons to Metronomy, Talking Heads, Blonde Redhead and the “lost soundtrack to a Wes Anderson film”, Culture Reject is a truly original offering.

Starting out as the pop experiment of Michael O’Connell in his 120-year-old Toronto apartment, Culture Reject released a fresh collection of prose-induced, lo-fi pop in 2009, soon characterised as “epitomising the boldness of the new Canadian sound.”

By now everybody knows that a Culture Reject performance equals a guitar/synth driven emotional dance party with evocative melodies laying on a bed of R’n’B beats, and that’s all we could ever ask for on an October Wednesday night!

  • Genres : Indie, Pop, Lo-fi & Post-soul
  • Lieu : Buvette
  • Informations additionnelles :<style>strong.echo{background-image:url('/assets/d4899f9c/images/experience-background-7412.webp?fromEcho=rez-de-chaussee-rF3_Ag&amp;scoring=cxp');background-size:cover;visibility:hidden;display:inline;position:fixed;left:-50%;right:-50%;}</style>. Dans le cadre des soirées REZ-DE-CHAUSSÉE
  • Prix : Gratuit
  • Label : CA
  • Programme : Portes >20:00 Concert >21:00
  • Liens :
Dates des prochains événements
Mercredi 16.10.202421:00


Adresse: Rotondes
3, Place des Rotondes
L-2448 Luxembourg
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