Labels of quality

Providing holiday guests with a guaranteed quality standard is one of our main objectives. Therefore, all accommodations listed in this brochure have been officially evaluated. The signs of quality should give a transparent information on the standard of comfort and facilities of the accommodations.


The signs of quality from the classified accommodation one ear to the four ears accommodation

All lodgings with the "Tourism Rural"- logo, meet the basic criteria, requiring a pleasant general aspect of the lodging and the surroundings, the presence of a terrace or lawn and features such as a functionally furnished kitchen equipped with a refrigerator, a stove, the necessary cooking utensils and cutlery, the bathroom and toilet fittings, adequately furnished living and bedrooms.

The assessment criteria determine quality ranking based on additional comfort and services, including the personal contact between the landlord and the guest.


Guest may choose among a selection of various quality levels:

  • classified accommodation meet all the basic criteria and may provide further facilities.
  • accommodation with one, two, three or four ears.
  • meet all the basic criteria and, depending on the number of ears, provide increased comfort and better facilities.

Accommodations listed as "in course of classification - CC" mainly cover premises which have only recently been made available and which will be classified in a recent future. In general, these accommodations meet at least the basic criteria and offer a good level of comfort.

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