© Gaul's Legacy Tours

Gen. Bradley's 12th Army Group Headquarters in Luxembourg

Where? 4, Avenue de la Liberté, L-1930 Luxembourg

Only a modest bronze plaque fixed to the right wing of the present headquarters building of the State Savings bank (BCEE) in Luxembourg City reminds of General Omar Bradley’s former Headquarters.

Their headquarters were established there from September to December 1944. An emergency underground shelter actually consisting of remains of 17th century fortifications, of the former “fortress Luxembourg”, was also provided.  

The plaque can be seen by walking across the one-arched “Grand Duke Adolphe” bridge in direction of Luxembourg train station on the side of the entrance of the right-wing building of the State saving’s Bank (BCEE)

Opening hours


Address: Gen. Bradley's 12th Army Group Headquarters in Luxembourg
4, Avenue de la Liberté
L-1930 Luxembourg
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