© Esch-sur-Alzette
Vël’Ok Régional
Where? 52, rue Louis Pasteur, L-4276 Esch-sur-Alzette
Vël’Ok Régional
The Vël'Ok are available around the clock, seven days a week. There are currently several hundreds of bikes spread over more than 100 stations in 9 municipalities in the south of Luxembourg. Take advantage, Vël'Ok is completely free!
The Vël'Ok service functions with a VëlOK NFC-card and the mKaart: All you have to do is insert this card in the electronic terminal of the station, and a Vël'Ok bicycle is released.
When you borrow a Vël'OK bicycle, the period of use is limited to 2 hours, so that everyone can find a bike available when s/he needs one. Please comply with this principle, and share in the Vël'OK spirit!