Starting point
church in Beckerich (N24)
Eglise Beckerich (N24)
8,60 km
2:35 h
  • Condition
Highest point
409 Hm
Lowest point
291 Hm
Aggregated Ascent
235 Hm
Aggregated Descent
235 Hm
Circular routes Visit Luxembourg


Refreshment stops available
Circular walk Beckerich

Old "Stations of the Cross" lead to the chapel on the Kuelebierg. We take a path leading to the Belgian border, and go downhilll through the forest to Hovelange. We follow a cycle path and go across meadows and through fields to Huttange where we continue towards the starting point.


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Auto-pédestre trail Beckerich

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    Restaurant "An der Millen"
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