© Pancake! Photography, Visit Luxembourg

Local hiking trail Lintgen - Li2

Starting point
Forest parking lot 'A Mouschelt' - Volleyball court
Forest parking lot 'A Mouschelt' - Volleyball court
7,74 km
2:10 h
  • Condition
Highest point
425 Hm
Lowest point
299 Hm
Aggregated Ascent
126 Hm
Aggregated Descent
126 Hm
Visit Luxembourg



Discover the hiking trail "LI2", which starts at the forest parking lot 'A Mouschelt', next to the Vollayball field. A hiking trail that leads mainly through deep forest.

The idyllic hiking trail 'LI2' winds through vast, unspoilt forests and promises an incomparably tranquil hiking experience, far away from the usual noises of everyday life. This trail is tailor-made for those seeking a quiet hike and longing for a sanctuary where the hustle and bustle of life fades away. Along this picturesque route you will have the opportunity to admire the fascinating flora and fauna. If you are a fan of quiet steps, you might even be lucky enough to spot a shy wild animal in its natural habitat. Quite undoubtedly an oasis for all those who feel a deep connection to nature.

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