Starting point
Europadenkmal Dreiländereck Ouren, 4790 Burg-Reuland, Belgium
Monument "Schengener Abkommen", 5444 Schengen
177,51 km
46:50 h
  • Condition
Highest point
409 Hm
Lowest point
141 Hm
Aggregated Ascent
1744 Hm
Aggregated Descent
1964 Hm
Distance trails Visit Luxembourg


Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela


The 179 km-long Way of St James runs along Roman roads and watercourses where the Cult of St James is fostered (pilgrims’ sites such as the basilica with the grave of St Willibrordus in Echternach, places of pilgrimage such as Luxembourg Cathedral, the fortress in Dudelange that belonged to the Order of St John of Jerusalem, ...). From the three-countries border in Ouren/Lieler, the way leads in 6 stages to Vianden, Echternach, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg, Dudelange and Schengen.


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