Quand ? Dimanche 20.10.202410:00 - 16:00

Second Chance

Où ? 5, rue de l’abattoir, L-1111 Luxembourg Autres, Art, culture & littérature, Marchés

Vide Dressing and Second Hand Book Market

Every year, thousands of tons of perfectly good clothing and books end up in waste , thus directly contributing to climate change. To counter this tendency, the large hall of the Schluechthaus will be transformed into a true flea market: on one hand, there will be a second hand clothes sale, and on the other, a second hand book market will be set up by voluntary associations, which active in this area. As part of its commitment to promote the circular economy, the City of Luxembourg is inviting all interested individuals who would like to offer their items for sale to join the fun.

Practical details: Vide Dressing:From ECHO.lu

Interested sellers are asked to submit their applications to schluechthaus@vdl.lu until Saturday 12 October 2024. Tables will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and participants must bring their own display tools (rack, display stand, hangers, etc.) All practical arrangements will be communicated to admitted sellers at the time of confirmation of their participation.

Practical details: Second Hand Book Market:

The book fair is an ecological and economical alternative to buying new books. Participating in the Schluechthaus book exchange is simple: all you have to do is drop off the books you want to get rid of on Friday, 11.10 16h00 – 19h00 and Saturday 12.10 10h00 – 15h00 at Schluechthaus. In exchange, you will receive a voucher worth up to five euros, depending on the number of books donated, which you can use to buy again some books at the second hand book market on 20 October 2024. All profits from sales will be donated to charity (more info soon).

General info:

Free entry

Date: Sunday, 20 october 2024

Timing: 10h00 – 16h00

Adress : 5, rue de l'Abattoir,

L-1111 Luxembourg

Access : P+R Bouillon / ligne AVL 15


(arrêt Schluechthaus)

Full details: schluechthaus.vdl.lu 

Dates des prochains événements
Dimanche 20.10.202410:00 - 16:00


Adresse: Schluechthaus
5, rue de l’abattoir
L-1111 Luxembourg
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